How to make multiple copies in SketchUp ?

In SketchUp, you can create multiple copies of an object using the Move tool with the Copy option. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create multiple copies efficiently:

1. Select the Object

  1. Select the Object: Use the Select tool (press Space or click the arrow icon) to select the object you want to copy.

2. Activate the Move Tool

  1. Select the Move Tool: Click on the Move tool in the toolbar or press M on your keyboard.

3. Copy the Object

  1. Start the Move Operation: Click on the selected object to pick it up.
  2. Activate the Copy Mode: Press and release the Ctrl key (Windows) or Option key (Mac). You should see a small plus sign (+) appear next to the Move tool cursor, indicating that you are in copy mode.
  3. Place the Copy: Move your cursor to the desired location and click to place the copy.

4. Create Multiple Copies

  1. Linear Array (Multiple Copies in a Line):
    • After placing the first copy, type x followed by the number of copies you want, and press Enter. For example, typing x5 will create five equally spaced copies in a line.
    • Alternatively, after placing the first copy, you can use the Move tool again to specify a distance, type / followed by the number of copies you want in between, and press Enter. For example, typing /4 will create four copies spaced equally between the original and the first copy.
  2. Radial Array (Multiple Copies in a Circle):
    • Select the Rotate tool (press Q).
    • Select the object you want to copy.
    • Click to set the center point for the rotation.
    • Click again to set the reference angle.
    • Press and release the Ctrl key (Windows) or Option key (Mac) to activate the copy mode.
    • Type the angle of rotation and press Enter.
    • Type x followed by the number of copies you want and press Enter.


  1. Linear Array:
    • Select a chair.
    • Activate the Move tool.
    • Press Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac) to enter copy mode.
    • Move the chair to a new position and click to place the first copy.
    • Type x5 and press Enter to create five more copies in a line.
  2. Radial Array:
    • Select a column.
    • Activate the Rotate tool.
    • Click to set the center point of the rotation.
    • Click to set the reference angle.
    • Press Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac) to enter copy mode.
    • Type the rotation angle (e.g., 30 degrees) and press Enter.
    • Type x11 and press Enter to create eleven more copies around the center point.

By using these steps, you can efficiently create multiple copies of objects in SketchUp, whether you need a straight line of items or a circular arrangement.

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